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Pope Francis condemns death of George Floyd, calls US unrest 'disturbing' -  CNN
Pope Francis condemns death of George Floyd, calls US unrest 'disturbing' - CNN

Pope Francis urges Europe to shed its 'walls of fear' on visit to divided  Cyprus - CNN
Pope Francis urges Europe to shed its 'walls of fear' on visit to divided Cyprus - CNN

Pope Francis UAE visit: Pope arrives at Abu Dhabi presidential palace in  Kia Soul | CNN
Pope Francis UAE visit: Pope arrives at Abu Dhabi presidential palace in Kia Soul | CNN

Pope Francis compares Libyan centers to 'concentration camps' - CNN
Pope Francis compares Libyan centers to 'concentration camps' - CNN

The Pope reflects on relationships in pandemic times in his traditional  Christmas address - CNN
The Pope reflects on relationships in pandemic times in his traditional Christmas address - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis calls violence against women an 'insult to God' in New Year's  Day Homily - CNN
Pope Francis calls violence against women an 'insult to God' in New Year's Day Homily - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

President Trump meets Pope Francis - CNN Video
President Trump meets Pope Francis - CNN Video

Pope Francis delivers prayer from hospital window in his first public  appearance after surgery - CNN
Pope Francis delivers prayer from hospital window in his first public appearance after surgery - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN
Pope Francis calls for civil union laws for same-sex couples - CNN

Pope Francis condemns extremism as 'betrayal of religion' - CNN
Pope Francis condemns extremism as 'betrayal of religion' - CNN

The Pope delivers first Christmas homily - CNN Video
The Pope delivers first Christmas homily - CNN Video

Nigeria: Pope issues prayers following spate of killings and kidnappings -  CNN
Nigeria: Pope issues prayers following spate of killings and kidnappings - CNN

Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History - CNN
Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Philippine Papal Mass one of the largest - CNN Video
Philippine Papal Mass one of the largest - CNN Video

Pope Francis touches down in Baghdad, hoping to boost an ancient Christian  church and a war-torn country - CNN
Pope Francis touches down in Baghdad, hoping to boost an ancient Christian church and a war-torn country - CNN

The Pope reflects on relationships in pandemic times in his traditional  Christmas address - CNN
The Pope reflects on relationships in pandemic times in his traditional Christmas address - CNN

Pope Francis in Hungary: Orban gives Pope a loaded gift - CNN
Pope Francis in Hungary: Orban gives Pope a loaded gift - CNN

Pope France in UAE: First-ever papal mass held in Arabian Peninsula | CNN
Pope France in UAE: First-ever papal mass held in Arabian Peninsula | CNN

Pope Francis visits refugees on Greek island of Lesbos, decries 'shipwreck  of civilization' - CNN
Pope Francis visits refugees on Greek island of Lesbos, decries 'shipwreck of civilization' - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN

Pope Francis News - CNN
Pope Francis News - CNN